אתמול פורסמו שמות 30 השירים שישתתפו בפסטיבל סן רמו 2025. הפסטיבל יתקיים בחודש 2/25.
The names of the 30 songs particiopating in San Remo Festival were uveiled yesteray. The Festival is expected to be on 2/25.
להלן רשימת 30 השירים אשר משתתפים בפסטיבל סן רמו הקדם האיטלקי לתחרות אירוויזיון 2025.
Hence are the list of the 30 songs participating in San Remo Festival - The italian preselection for ESC 2025.
1. Francesco Gabbani - Viva la viya(Long Love Life)
2. Clara - Febbre(Fever)
3. Achille Lauro - Incosciente Giovani (Reckless Young People)
4. Brunes Sas - L'Albero Decce Noci (The Walnut Tree)
5. Shablo FT. Guei , Joshua And Tormento - La mia Parola (My Word)
6. Giorgia - La cura Per Me (The Cure For me)
7. Emis Kila - Demoni (Demons)
8. Marcella Bella - Pelle Diamante (Diamond Skin)
9. Gaia - Chiato Io, Chiami Tu (I Call You , You call Me)
10. Simone Cristicchi - Quando Sarai Biccola (When You'll Be Young)
11. Irama Lentamente (Slowly)
12. Serena Brancale - Anema Cone (Heaven And Soul)
13. Olly - Balorda Nostalgia (Stupid Nostalgia)
14. Elodie - Dimenticarsi Alle 7 (Forgetting At 7)
15. Massimo Rainiere - Tra La Mani Un Cuore (A Heart Between The Harys)
16. Tony Effe - Damme'na Mano (Give Me A hand)
17. Sarah Toscano - Amarcord (I Remember)
18. Rocco Hunt - Mill Vot Ancor (A Thoudand Times Again)
19. Lucio Corsi - Vocevo Essere Undoro ( I wAnted To Be A Though Guy)
20. Neomi - Se Ti Innamori , Mouri (If You Fell In Love , You Die)
21. Bresh Laitana Del Granchio (The Crab Liar)
22. Rose Villain - Fuorilegge (Outlaw)
23. Willie Peyote - Grazie , Ma No Grazie (Thank You But No)
24. Moda - No Ti Dimentico ( I Don't Forget You)
25. Fedez - Battito (Pulse)
26. Francrsca Michielin - Kango In Paradiso(Mud In Heaven)
27. Rkomi - Il Ritmo Delle Cose (The Rhythm Of Things)
28. Coma Cose c- Cuori lini (Little Hearts)
29. Joan Thiele - Eco (Echo)
30. The Kolors - Tu Chi Fai L'Amore (Who Are Making Love To?)