היום מתחיל פסטיבל סן רמו והנהלת הפסטיבל החליטה לפצל השירים. היום ב-7/2/23 יופיעו 14 שירים ולמחרת ב-8/2/23 יופיעו שאר 14 השירים.
San Remo Festival begins today. Today 7/2/23 14 songs will be performed and tomorrow 8/2/23 the other 14 songs will be performed.
להלן רשימת השירים אשר יופיעו היום 7/2/23 בפסטיבל:
Below you can find the songs that is going to perform today 7/2/23 in the Festival.
1. Anna Oxa - Sali (Canto Dell'anima) (Go Out (Song Of The Soul)
2. Ariete - Mare Di Guai (Sea Of Trouble)
3. Colla Zio - No Mi Va (I Do Not Feel Like)
4. Come_Cose - L'Addio (The Good Bye)
5. I Cuigini Di Campgna - Lettera 22 (Letter 22)
6. Elodie - Due (Two)
7. Gianluca Grigavi _ Quando Si Mara Il Eiato ( When You're Out Of Breath)
8. gIANMARIA - Mostro (Monster)
9. Leo Gassman - Terzo Cuore (Third Heart)
10. Mara Sattei - Duemilaminuti (Twothousandminutes)
11. Marco Mengoni - Due Vite (Two Lives)
12.Mr. Rain - Supereoi (Super Heroes)
13. Olly - Polvere(Dust)
14. Ultimo - Alba (Down)
להלן השירים אשר יופיעו מחר 8/2/23 בפסטיבל:
Below you can find the songs that are going to be performed tomorrow 8/2/23.
1. Articolo 31 - Un Bel Viaggio (A Nice Trip)
2. Colapesce DiMartino - Splash
3. Giorgia - Parole Dette Male (Bad Words)
4. Lazza - Cenere (Ash)
5. LDA - Se Poi Domani (If Then Tomorrow)
6. Levante - Vivo (I Live)
7. Madame - Il Bene Nel Male ( The Good In The Bad)
8. Moda - Lasciami (Leave Me)
9. Paolo A Chiara - Furore (Fury)
10. Rosa Chemical - Made In Italy
11. Shetu- Cause Perse (Lost Causes)
12. Shari - Egoista (Selfish)
13. Tananai - Tango
14. Will - Stupido (Stupid)