הלילה ייקבע מי יניף את הדגל האיטלקי בתחרות אירוויזיון 2023
Tonight we will know who is going to hoist the Italian flag in ESC 2023.
רשות השידור האיטלקי שיבצה הערב את 28 השירים שישתתפו בפטיבל סן רמו 2023.
RAI had allocted the 28 songs who are going to particioate tonight.
1. Elodie - Due (Two)
2. Colla Zio - Non Mi Va (I Do Not Feel Like)
3. Mara Sattei - Duemilaminuti (Twothousandminutes)
4. Tananai - Tango
5. Colapexse DiMartino - Splash
6. Giorgia - Oarole Dettew Male (Bad Words)
7. Moda - Lasciami (Leave Me)
8. Ultimo - Alba (Dawn)
9. Lazza - Cenere (Ash)
10. Marco Mengoni - Due Vite Two Lives)
11. Rosa Chemical - Made In Italy
12. Cugini Di Campagna = Lettera 22 (Letter 22)
13. Madame - Il Bene Nel Male (The Good In The Bad)
14. Ariete - Mare Di Guai (Sea Of Trouble)
15. Mr. Rain - Supereroi (Superheroes)
16. Paola E Chiara - Furore (Fury)
17. Levante - Vivo (I Live)
18. LDA - Sei mPoi Domani (If Then Tomorrow)
19. Come_Cose - L'Addio (The Goodbye)
20. OLLY - Polvere (Dust)
21. Articolo 31 - Un Bel Viaggio (A Nice Trip)
22. Will - Stupido (Stupid)
23. Leo Gassman - Terzo Cuore (Third Heart)
24. gIANMARIA - Mostro (Monster)
25. Anna Oxa - Sali (Go Out)
26. Shari - Egoista (Selfish)
27. Gianluca Grignani - Quando Ti Manca Il Fiato (When You're Out Of Breath)
28. Setu - Cay=use Perse (Lost Causes)
השיר שזכה בפסטיבל סן רמו 2023 הוא :Marco Mengoni - Due Vite
The winning song of San Remo Festival 2023 is :Marco Mengoni - Due Vite