היום הוא היום הרביעי לחזרות. היום 9 המדינות הנותרות מחצי הגמר השני עורכות את החזרות שלהן. חצי הגמר השני יהיה ביום חמישי 12/5/22. אירלנד פותחת את החזרות היום וצ'כיה סוגרת אותן.
Today is the fourth day of rehearsals. The last 9 countries from the secind semi final are rehearsing today. The second semi final is on Thursday 12/5/22. Ireland is the first one to rehearse today and the Czech Republic is closing them.
Brooke got her fame from her participation in the reality show The Voice UK. In that reality show she became third. Her Eurovision song is based on Debbie Harry autobiography. People expect that she will give a tremendous show in the Eurvision Song Contest.
רצ:ב הקישור לחזרה הראשונה של אירלנד היום i an enclosing the link to Ireland first rehearsal today
2. צפון מקדוניה - אנדראה - North Macedonia - Andrea - Circles
סגנון הפופ הינו חדש עבור אנדראה נציגת צפון מקדוניה לתחרות האירווזיון. בילדותה הית התגוררה עם הוריה בניו יורק שם שרה שירי נשמה , R&B וגוספל כשהיא חזרה לארצה היא נרשמה ללימודי המוזיקה בארצה. שם למדה לנגן בפסנתר וגיטרה. מאז 2020 היא מתמקדת בהוצאות סינגלים ובמשך 6 חודשים הוציאה כבר 6 סינגלים. השיר האירוויזיווןני שלה Circle הוא כעת השיר הכי הפופולרי שלה בארצה.

Andrea is not used to sing pop songs. At her childhiood in New York she was singing Godspel , R&B and Soul. When she returned to her country she was studying in the music school in Skopje . She learned to play a piano and a guitar. Since in 2020 she is had issued more than 6 singles.Circles her Eurovision is most popular among them in their country.
Stefan he is Armenian. His pasrents left Armenia and opened in Estonia a restaurant. They also raised up Stefan. He is quite familiar with the Eurovision Song Contest. He participated in the Eesi Laul the Estonian preslection for ESC and reached the third place in 2018&2019. Alas in 2020 he went to the final only.
WRS begun his career ad a dancer. he was dancing in 2 local reality shows The Voice and Got Talent. In 2015 he moved to London where he became a composer and a solist. He already released 10 singles and currently he is working on his debut album, called EP Mandela.
רצ"ב קישור לחזרה הראשונה של רומניה מהיום I am enclosing a link to the first reherasal of Romania today
5. פולין - קריסטיאן אוכמן - Poland - Ochman - River

אוכמן נולד בארצות הברים ועם בגרותו עבר להתגורר בפולין בתחילה בקטוביץ ולאחר מכן בורשה. הוא הופיע בתכנית הריאלטי The Voice ואף זכה בה. מייד לאחר נצחונו בתכנית הוא הפיק סינגל כפול בשם
Swiatlocienie שזכה בשבוע הראשון בספוטיפי זה לצפיה של 300,000 צופים. כמו כן הוציא אלבום כפול משלו.
הוא בא ממשפחה מוזיקלית כשסבו Wieslaw Ochman שימש כטנור. בצעירותו למד לנגן בחצוצרה ופסנתר.
Ochman won the reality show The Voice Of Poland. He was born in the States but moved to Poland when he was young. During his youth he learn to play on a trumphet and piano.At first he was living in Katawicz and than in Warsaw. Follow his win in the Voice Of Poland a released a debut single called Swiatlocientie. In his first week 300,000 followed him in Spotify. The grandfather of Ochman- Wieslaw Ochman is a well known tenor in his country .
Vladana came from Podgorica. In her youth she studies in a music school and she made a first degree in jounnalism. The composer of the song Breathe is a well known composer among the Eurovision fans. He had already composed 11 song for Eurovision artists and Breathe is his twelve song.
Jeremie won in 2021 won the reality show The Voice of Belgique. Beside being an artist he is also a goal keeper in Excelsior Virton FC. He is also a fun of geology . Turin can be a challenge for him in his interest..
Cornelia she is a singer and composer. She is coming from a musician family. Her father is a rock star and her grandmother is a composer too. At 2018 she begun her solo career and released some singles. Currently she is working at her own first album.
Therer are 3 musicians in the band. Their genere is electro pop. They issued already 6 singles. As soon as the Eurovision is over they planning a tour in their country and in Europe also
Due to Remembrance Day For Israel's Fallen the post will be on air as the Remembrance day is over 4/5/22.