היום הוא היום השלישי לחזרות בתחרות אירוויזיון 2022. היום למעשה מתחילות החזרות ל-18 המדינות המשתתפות בחצי הגמר השני שיתקיים ביום חמישי 12/5/22. היום מתחרות 9 מדינות ומחר יתחרו 9 המדינות האחרות.
ישראל היא המדינה השנייה העורכת היום את החזרות הראשונות שלה. מאחל הצלחה למיכאל בן דוד בתחרות. השיר של ישראל נקרא I AM.
Today is the third day of rehearsals. The first 9 countries in the second semi final are rehearsing today. The second semi final is on Thursday 12/5/22. Finland begin the rehearsals and Cyprus is finishing them.
Israel is the second country that is rehearsing today. I wish Good Luck to Michael Ben David with his song I AM
Rasmus is the first band to reherase today. The Rasmus band exist for 30 years. Now they decided to perform again and even changed the guitarist. Emppu who was a member in a finnish band in the nineteees now joins them. Their participation in the Eurovision Song is a part of their coming back to the scene,.Their song The shadow was viewed more than 100 millions in the Spotify. Beside that they had also released some platinium albums.
Michael Ben david was born in Ashkelon. He was graduated from Beth Tzvi Institute. He participated in the local israeli reality show X-Factor and won it. His won gave him the ticket to Turin where he is representing isreal in the Eurovision Song Contest. On of the judges in X-factor israel was Netta who had participated in ESC 2018 and brought the contest to Israel in 2019. Michael Ben David In his free time likes to bake and cook.
Constrakta is the monike name of the artist Ana Duric. In her early career she was the vocalist of Zemlja Group. In her songs she is singling about phonemnons occuring in her country. in her Eurovision song In Corpore Sano 1 she is singing about the health care system service in her own country and satire on attainable beauty standarts.
4. אזרבייג'אן - נדיר רוסטמלי - Azerbaijan - Nadir Rustamli - Fade To Black

נדיר רוסטמלי זכה בתכנית הריאלטי המקומית The voice. מייד עם זכייתו בתכנית , רשות השידור האזארית החליטה כי הוא ייצג את ארצו בתחרות האירווזיון 2022. המנטור של נדיר בתכנית היה אלדר גסימוב Eldar Gasimov אחד מזוכי תחרות האירווזיון שהתקיימה בדיסלדורף גרמניה בשנת 2022. בראיון לעיתונות נדיר אמר שחשב על תחרות האירווזיון כשגילה שאלדר גסימוב הוא המנטור שלו.
נדיר בגיל צעיר ניגן בפסנתר. הוא סיים את לימודי המוזיקה שלו בארצו והצטרף ללהקה מקומית שם שימש כסולן והיה גם מנהל האמנותי שלה.

Nadir Rustamli won the local reality show The voice. His mentor in the show was Eldar Gasimov who had represented Azerbaijan in ESC 2011. He won the eurovision Song contest and brought the contest to Baku in 2012. As he realised that Eldar Gasimov was his mentor Nadir immediately thought about Eurovision .
Nadir learned to play a piano and he was graduated frim a music school in his country. As he finised his school he joined a band where he was her vocalist and her artist director.
Circus mircus is a band composed of 3 singers. The band was established in 2020 and since then they released 11 songs. The band is using all types of music generes that fits it's members.
6. מלטה - אמה מוסקט - Malta - Emma Muscat - I Am What I Am

אמה היא אשת אשכולות היא זמרת , מלחינה ומנגנת בפסנתר. אין זו הפעם הראשונה שהיא באיטליה. ב-2108 היא הופיעה בתכנית ריאלטית איטלקית
Amici Di Maria De Filippi וזכתה להצלחה מרובה. בעקבות הצלחה זו היא חתמה על חוזה הקלטות אצל חברת וורנר האיטלקית. מאז שהיא חתמה על החוזה היא הוציאה אלבום כפול הנקרא Moments הצועד בראש המצעדים.

Ema she is a singer , composer and a pianist. This is not her first time in italy. She was in Italy and attended a reality show Amici DiMaria De Filippi.She did quite well in this show and she signed contract with Warner Brothers in italy. Since then she realeased a debut album Moments.This debut album, is in the top of the music charts.
Achille Laure is a singer , rapper and composer. He is coming from the city of Verona in italy. This year is the tenth years since he released his first album.He had released another albums who had been in the top of the music charts. Besides being a muisician he is also film producer . TV programmer narrator and creative manager in a record company. He also participated 3 times in the prestigious San Remo Festival in 2019,2020 and 2022.
Sheldon Riley in his childhood was diagnoised with Asperger's Syndromme. He was living in several houses. He was grown in a religious family that avoided him meeting foreigners. Despite his obstacles he had overcome it and participated in 3 reality shows 2 locally and 1 from the United States. He decided to take part in the Australian preselection for ESC 2022 and even won it. His winning grant him the ticket to Turin this year where he is representing his country in ESC 2022.
9. קפריסין - אנדרומאכי - Cyprus - Andromanche - Ela

אנדרמאכי באה ממשפחה מוזיקלית. פריצת הדרך שלה היתה לאחר הופעתה בתכנית היוונית The Voice. מייד לאחר מכן היא חתמה על חוזה הקלטות עבור חברת Panik.
הסינגל שלה Na Sous Psema זכה להצלחה כבירה בקרב מאזיני הרדין והאנשים העוקבים אחריה ברשתות השונות.
Andromache grew up ibn a musician family. Her break through came after she performed in the Greek reality show The Voice. Then She signed a contract with a record company called Panik. She released a smashing single call Na Sous Pesma . It was a great sucess among the radio listeners and people who follow her in various networks.